
Monday 22 May + exam info

Monday 22 May + exam info

av Matteo Sfragara -
Antal svar: 1

Dear all,

Next Monday will be the last session of the course. We will solve the last set of exercises about Brownian motion and then we will go through the solution of first exam of 2021 (you have both text and solution in the "Old exams" folder). I encourage you to try to solve it on your own before the session.

I also want to remind you that the day of the exam you are not allowed to bring any material, including calculators, notes or cheat-sheets. You are supposed to know all the main formulas and results that are part of the program of the course. If there will be the need to use formulas that are not strictly relevant to this course, I will write them down in the exercise text. 


Som svar till Matteo Sfragara

Sv: Monday 22 May + exam info

av Matteo Sfragara -
Do not forget to register for the exam in Ladok before tomorrow!

The deadline is 10 days before the exam, so it will be tomorrow at 23:59. If you don't sign up in time, there is no other way you can be registered and do the exam.
