Hi! I have some questions regarding problem 4 and one about proofs in general
In the homework the union $\bigcap_{\alpha} A_{\alpha}$ is displayed. Is $\alpha$ an element of some index set?
Does it matter whether or not this index set is at most countable or uncountable?
Could I in the solution write $\bigcap_{\alpha \in L} A_{\alpha}$, where L is an index set?
How much do I need to write in the solutions for it to be OK? If I define a function, that is *clearly* a bijection (for example f : {1, 2} -> {3, 4}, with f(1) = 3, f(2) = 4), do I need to prove that it is a bijection? And do I need to prove that every function I define is well-defined?
Best regards, Shamiur