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Oral exam

Oral exam

av Clas Oscar Josef Stenström -
Antal svar: 1


I was wondering if you (or someone) can perhaps provide some info on how the oral exam will work.

Are we expected to be able to state and prove the various theorems listed in the file "Topics Oral Exam"?

Will we be given a certain number of topics from each section, or randomly? How many in total?


Som svar till Clas Oscar Josef Stenström

Re: Oral exam

av Sofia Tirabassi -
Hello Thank you for asking,
Sorry for the late reply,
You should be able to state and PROVE the various theorem in the file Topics Oral Exam. This is a proof-based course, no A without proofs.

The Oral will last 30 minutes. The first question will be either random or about your weakest points from the written exam (especially if you lost many points in the written, if I want you to reach a better grade I have to make sure that you know the things that you missed before).
For this reason I think I will delay publish solutions till after the orals exams :)

Let me know if you have further questions.