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Mathematics III - Foundations of Analysis - Summer 24
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MM5021 ST24
8. Functions of several variables, I
An interpretation of the Implicit Function Theorem
An interpretation of the Implicit Function Theorem
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An interpretation of the Implicit Function Theorem
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◄ Statement of The implicit function Theorem
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ST24 Homework-1-DUE:June 29th
ST24 Homework-2-DUE: 14/07 23:59 AM
ST24 Homework-3-DUE: 28/07
Old Exams
Lecture 1
Some comments on sets
Quiz: Week 1
Lecture Slides
Lecture 2
Quiz: Week 2
Metric Spaces
Open Balls of a metric space
Interior points and Open sets
Open covers and compact sets: Definition
Lecture SLides 2
Lecture SLides 1
Lecture 3
Quiz: Week 3
Theorem: Every compact set is closed and bounded
Theorem: Infinite sets of compact sets have limit points
Lecture Slides
Lecture 4
Quiz: Week 4
The Cauchy construction of the real numbers
An old lecture on sequences
Notes of the video on Sequences
Lecture Slides
Lecture 5
Quiz: Week 5
Lecture Slides
Lecture 6
Quiz: Week 6
Some video-lectures on differentability for real valued functions
Rudin Chpt 6 pages 120-134
Lecture Slides
Lecture 7
Quiz: Week 7
Lecture Slides
Lecture 8
Quiz 8
Lecture 9
Quiz 9
Statement of The implicit function Theorem
Statement of the Inverse Function Theorem
Proof of the Inverse Function Theorem from the Implicit Function Theorem
Proof of the Implicit Function Theorem (Step 1/5)
Proof of the Implicit Function Theorem (Step 2/5)
Proof of the Implicit Function Theorem (Step 3/5)
Proof of the Implicit Function Theorem (Step 4/5)
Proof of the Implicit Function Theorem (Step 5/5)
Lecture 10
Oral Exams
Oral Re-Exam
Statement of the Inverse Function Theorem ►