Hi, should one assume that sigma fixes F in 1.(2) and 3.(3), or just that sigma(F) = F, if that question makes sense. I have a proof in 3.(3) under the assumption that Aut(F(x)/F(x^p)) is meant, but naively I would interpret sigma:E ---> E that is an F-automorphism as F only needs to send F to F bijectively, not neccessarily be the identity on F.
That is, when you say that we have an automorphism E/F such that it is an F-automorphism, do you mean that it is the identity on F, or just takes F to F bijectively?
Som svar till Benjamin Andersson
Re: Clarifying question about 1.(2) and 3.(3) on HW2.
av Sofia Tirabassi -
It need to be ghe identity on F so that it is F linear
Som svar till Sofia Tirabassi
Sv: Re: Clarifying question about 1.(2) and 3.(3) on HW2.
av Benjamin Andersson -
Som svar till Benjamin Andersson
Re: Clarifying question about 1.(2) and 3.(3) on HW2.
av Sofia Tirabassi -
Sorry, I relooked at the homework sigm(K)=K means just that sigma sends K in K, not that it us the identity on K.
On the other side, when I speak of F-automorphism or of an automorphism that fixes F, I mean an automorphism that is the identity on F
On the other side, when I speak of F-automorphism or of an automorphism that fixes F, I mean an automorphism that is the identity on F
Som svar till Sofia Tirabassi
Sv: Re: Clarifying question about 1.(2) and 3.(3) on HW2.
av Benjamin Andersson -