First a couple of general comments regarding the applications, most of which were very good!
1. Some of view had very nice looking CVs with colored margins, photos and similar. On these I often commented that they should look more boring ... What I mean is that, after having read several hundrads of cv:s for various applications (in Academia!) they tend to be written without photos and colors. I am sure it is different outside academia. My comment was hence that most often they look more boring, perhaps with the hope of giving a more serious impression ...
2. A few of you listed some reference persons. The current situation was of course fake, and its relevance might depend on what sort of application, but I would strongly recommend you to include a couple of reference persons when applying for positions in the future (for sure in academia, but probably also outside of academia).
Regarding the films I now think that I have shared the film of each presenter, with this presenter, using Box. It went smooth with Taariq and Anna, whereas I had to write in the complete e-mail addresses of Filip, Edoardo and Piotr (perhaps you are not registered in Box?). Please get back to me if you did not receive a sharing-notification.
I have just sent feedback on the presentations, using "Meddelande" in the course page (so not under a specific day). Hopefully you find it. Let me know if not.