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Study group

Study group

by Ottilia Andersson -
Number of replies: 7

Hej! I hope I write in the correct forum. If anyone would like to study together, please let me know and we can find a time and place to meet and discuss problems etc. :)

In reply to Ottilia Andersson

Sv: Study group

by Ottilia Andersson -
Great! Thanks for the response. I have booked Grupprum 5, Albano hus 1 vån 2, tomorrow Thur 23/1 8.00-12.00, as a start. I'll try and set up a group chat here on kurser.math later today where we can discuss any details if needed. See you!
In reply to Ottilia Andersson

Sv: Study group

by Nestor Le Nestour -
Hey! I'm also happy to join, always nice with some company when studying! I can also recommend the SU math discord as a way to discuss the material and coordinate: