Review of linear transformations and matrices

We shall deal with maps f:{\mathbb R}^n\to{\mathbb R}^m (from one Euclidean space to another), and try to understand what the derivative of such a map is.

Here are some notions from linear algebra which will be used here.

  • vectors and vector space
  • linear combination of vectors and span
  • linearly (in)depencce and basis
  • dimension of a vector space, in particular, dim {\mathbb R}^n is n
  • linear transformation  A from a vector space X to another YA is called a linear operator if X=Y.
  • injective, surjective and bijective linear operator and inverse
  • set of all linear transformations from X to Y: L(X,Y) or L(X) if X=Y
  • Composition (product) of two linear transformations A:X\to Y and B\to Y\to Z is BA:X\to Z.

Remark: AB\neq BA even if A,B\in L(X).

TheoremA linear operator A on a finite dimensional vector space is one-to-one if and only if the range of A is all of X.

TheoremAssume that the invertible linear operator A of {\mathbb R}^n satisfies the inequality ||B-A|| ||A^{-1}||, for B\in L({\mathbb R}^n)Then B is invertible.

Theorem. Assume {\mathbf x}=\{x_1,...,x_n\} and {\mathbf y}=\{y_1,...,y_m\} are bases of vector space X and Y, respectively.  Then every A\in L(X,Y) can be represented by a matrix [A] in the sense that [Y]_{\mathbf y}=[A][X]_{\mathbf x}.

Here is perhaps a new notion: Norm of A: ||A||=\sup\{|Ax|: ||x||\le 1, \forall x\in{\mathbb R}^n\}.

Theorem. The norm of A\in L({\mathbb R}^n, {\mathbb R}^m) is finite and unifromly continuous, and for

||A+B||\le ||A||+||B||, ||cA||=|c|||A|| for scalar c, A,B\in L({\mathbb R}^n, {\mathbb R}^m) ;

||BA||\le ||B|||A||, for A\in L({\mathbb R}^n, {\mathbb R}^m), B\in L({\mathbb R}^m, {\mathbb R}^k)

With ||\cdot|| defined as distance function L({\mathbb R}^n, {\mathbb R}^m) is a metric space.  

By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, \displaystyle ||A||\le(\sum_{i,j}a_{ij})^2.

Proposition. If S is a metric space, a_{ij} (i=1,...,m,j=1,...,n) are real continuous functions on S, and if for each p\in S, A_p\in L({\mathbb R}^n,{\mathbb R}^m) with matrix (a_{ij}), then the mapping p\to A_p is a continuous mapping of S intoL({\mathbb R}^n,{\mathbb R}^m).

How to compute the norm of A? For example what is ||A|| if A=\begin{pmatrix}1&2\\0&1\end{pmatrix}?  From the above inequality we  get an upper bound for the norm:  \sqrt{6}.   Here is a computational formula for a norm of square matrix.

Theorem. (Peano) If A is an n\times n symmetric matrix, then all eigenvalues are real and

\displaystyle||A||=\max_{\text{eigenvalues } \lambda \text{ of } A}|\lambda|.

For any square matrix A the eigenvalues of AA^t are all nonnegative definite, so ||A||=\sqrt{||AA^t||} is the square root of the largest eigenvalue of AA^t.

Using this theorem we can compute the norm of above matrix.  AA^t=\begin{pmatrix}5&2\\2&1\end{pmatrix}.  The largest eigenvalue of this matrix is 3+2\sqrt{2} and hence ||A||=\sqrt{3+2\sqrt{2}}, which is below \sqrt{6}.