Tidigare handledda uppsatser
John Sass (Master thesis, 2011): Boolean polynomials and Gr\"obner bases: An algebraic approach to solving the SAT-problem,
Jonas Klang (Bachelor thesis, 2012): The Buchberger-Möller algorithm,
Mark Anderstam (Bachelor thesis, 2014): Solution methods to polynomial equations over
Assar Andersson (Bachelor thesis, 2014): Solving polynomial equations over using DPLL-methods
Ulrika S\"oderberg (Bachelor thesis, 2016): Ett f\"ors\"ok att generalisera konjugatregeln
Joel Fredin (Bachelor thesis, 2017): Iteration of Polynomials
Erik Jernqvist (Bachelor thesis, 2019): Waring decompositions
Walter Berge (Bachelor thesis, 2021): Bildandet av en Gr\"obnerbas f\"or den b\"ojda funktionen
Björn Carlsten (Bachelor thesis, 2021): Cycles of certain maps from to
Ernst Cederholm (Master thesis, 2022): Om nolldimensionella ideal och initialideal
Ludvig Nyman (Bachelor thesis, 2024): Kernels of maps between subsets of quotient rings
Sofie Angere (Bachelor thesis, 2024): Inverse Systems with Applications to Ideals of Projective Points
Matilda Steffner (Bachelor thesis, 2025): En algebraisk framställning av sudoku i polynomringen