Topic outline

  • Analysis seminar

    earlier terms

    Autumn 24

    Wednesdays 11:00-12:00
    In Cramer rummet (Albano, hus 1, floor 3)

    speaker (affiliation), title

    26/08: Soohyun Park, Bergman space with a specific exponential weight on the complex unit ball (Håkans gäst)

    04/09: (Mittag-Leffler)

    11/09: Christian Rose  (Hamburg/Potsdam), Gaussian upper heat kernel bounds and Faber-Krahn inequalities on graphs with unbounded geometry (Jonathans gäst)

    18/09: ---- (Norrköping)

    25/09: Asma Hassannezhad (Bristol), Pleijel Nodal domain theorem for the Robin problem on Lipschitz domains (Jonathans gäst)

    02/10: Lassi Päivärinta (Tallin), Inverse scattering problems for screens (Pavels gäst)

    16/10: Vyacheslav Pivovarchik (SUNPU, Odesa and University of Vaasa), Non-existence of co-spectral simple connected graphs with small number of edges (Pavels guest)

    23/10: Eero Saksman (Helsiniki), On a class of random analytic functions

    30/10: (höstlov) 

    06/11: Benjamin Eichinger (Lancaster, UK), Necessary and su cient conditions for universality limits (Jakobs guest)

    13/11: Jakob Reiffenstein (SU), Growth of Weyl coefficient and monodromy matrix of a canonical system

    20/11:  (SMC-kollokvium)

    27/11:  Boris Shapiro (SU), On the inverse problem in Polya-Schur theory

    04/12: Mateusz Piorkowski  (KTH)



    Letter to the speakers: here