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Archive pages for courses in Mathematical Statistics
Archive pages for courses in Mathematical Statistics
Course categories
espidam 2024
espidam 2025
Mathematics Fall 24
Mathematics Fall 24 / First level courses
Mathematics Fall 24 / First level courses / Metacourses HT24
Mathematics Fall 24 / Second level courses
Mathematics Spring 25
Mathematics Spring 25 / First level courses
Mathematics Spring 25 / Second level courses
Mathematical Statistics Fall 24
Mathematical Statistics Fall 24 / First level courses
Mathematical Statistics Fall 24 / Second level courses
Mathematical Statistics Spring 25
Mathematical Statistics Spring 25 / First level courses
Mathematical Statistics Spring 25 / Second level courses
Computer Science & Scientific computing Fall 24
Computer Science & Scientific computing Spring 25
Degree Project
Bachelor programs
Master's programmes
Doktorandkurser läsåret 24/25
Previously given courses
Previously given courses / Second level courses
Previously given courses / HT23
Previously given courses / HT23 / Mathematical Statistics Fall 23
Previously given courses / HT23 / Mathematical Statistics Fall 23 / First level courses
Previously given courses / HT23 / Mathematical Statistics Fall 23 / Second level courses
Previously given courses / HT23 / Computer Science & Scientific computing Fall 23
Previously given courses / HT23 / Mathematics Fall 23
Previously given courses / HT23 / Mathematics Fall 23 / First level courses
Previously given courses / HT23 / Mathematics Fall 23 / Second level courses
Previously given courses / Summer courses ST24
Previously given courses / Mathematics Spring 24
Previously given courses / Mathematics Spring 24 / First level courses
Previously given courses / Mathematics Spring 24 / First level courses / Metacourses VT24
Previously given courses / Mathematics Spring 24 / Second level courses
Previously given courses / Mathematical Statistics Spring 24
Previously given courses / Mathematical Statistics Spring 24 / First level courses
Previously given courses / Mathematical Statistics Spring 24 / Second level courses
Previously given courses / Computer Science & Scientific computing Spring 24
Previously given courses / PhD courses Academic year 23/24
Archive pages for courses in Mathematics
Archive pages for courses in Mathematical Statistics
Archive pages for courses in Computer Science & Scientific computing
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MT1011 - Sannolikhetslära och statistik för lärare
MT3001 - Sannolikhetsteori I
MT3004 - Nationalekonomi för matematiker
MT3005 - Spelteori och matematisk ekonomi
MT4001 - Statistisk analys
MT4002 - Stokastiska processer och simulering I
MT4006 - Tidsserieanalys, diplomeringskurs för aktuarier
MT4007 - Statistisk databehandling
MT5011 - Basic Insurance Mathematics
MT5012 - Stochastic Processes and Simulation II
MT5016 - Linjära statistiska modeller
MT5017 - Theory of Statistical Inference
MT5018 - Sannolikhetsteori II
MT5019 - Categorical Data Analysis
MT5020 - The Mathematics and Statistics of Infectious Disease Outbreaks
MT7016 - Nationalekonomi för aktuarier
MT7017 - Försäkringsjuridik för aktuarier I
MT7027 - Riskmodeller och reservsättning inom sakförsäkring
MT7028 - Prissättning inom sakförsäkring
MT7042 - Statistical Deep Learning
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